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If we were St. James' Church, we would celebrate St. James' Holy Day as our Patronal Feast Day. If we were St. Mark's Church, we would celebrate St. Mark's Holy Day. But as the Church of the Holy Saviour, what day do we celebrate?

Churches around the world dedicated to the Holy Saviour celebrate the Transfiguration as their Patronal Feast Day. As a community bearing this name, this feast reminds us of our calling to reflect Christ’s light in our lives, our church, and the world around us.

"This is my Son, the Beloved; listen to him!" (Mark 9:7)

During the 10am service, Canon Greg will lead the children to see the beautiful stained glass over our entrance that depicts the Transfiguration (see photo). These were designed by the Rev'd Canon David Bowyer, who also designed our Crest and Badge.

As part of our celebration, the choir will offer O Nata Lux de Lumine by Thomas Tallis, a stunning choral piece that reflects the mystery and radiance of Christ’s Transfiguration. The text, which means “O Light born of Light”, is a hymn to Christ, the Holy Saviour, who is revealed in divine glory on the mountain. This ancient piece, composed during the Renaissance, invites us to enter into the splendour of Christ’s light, just as Peter, James, and John did on the mountaintop.

So, please join us on March 2nd when we celebrate Transfiguration Holy Day in prayer and song. And, true to our Anglican roots, we’ll continue the celebration with delicious cake after the service—thank you, Lois Horst!