Each of the holy sacraments is a specific outward and visible sign of the inward and spiritual grace of God.

Holy Baptism, the oldest sacrament in the Christian Church, is not individualistic; rather, it involves a commitment from both those seeking baptism and the congregation. Baptism serves as a deeply meaningful initiation into the community of faith, marked by a ritual of water and the Spirit, and begins with the following process:

  • Attending services of worship with some regularity, getting to know the congregation.
  • Meeting with the priest to discuss baptism.
  • Seeking sponsorship from two members of the congregation who are not related to those being baptised. These sponsors have one brief formal role: to stand with those being baptised during the baptism service.
  • Separately from the sponsors, those seeking baptism may also choose the option of godparents. Godparents have a special role in supporting those who are baptised on their journey of faith.

If you are seeking baptism for yourself or your child, please follow the above process. Thank you.