Mark Himmelman is a gifted and accomplished organist and choir director with many years of experience. He is a joy to work with and blesses us with his musical leadership.
Mark has over 30 years experience as a church musician, is well versed in the Anglican liturgy, is an experienced conductor, organist, and pianist, has performed extensively throughout Canada, United States, and the United Kingdom, and has composed over 50 works for organ, choir and brass.
The Venerable Megan Collings-Moore is a strong support in her role, which includes overseeing the churches in our Deanery of Waterloo
The Venerable Rosalyn Kantlaht'ant Elm's excellent leadership and support is essential to us as we walk to Two Row Path.
Here are just a few of the many who bless this congregation with their ongoing work and ministry:
Interim Office Admin:
Christina Austin
Brent Hatcher, Steve Moore, Krista Parsons, Deborah Clark
Lay Assistants:
Alison Prittie, Mike Casey, Marcia Fuller, Carol Motuz, Mike Skelton
Eucharistic Lay Visitors: Alison Prittie, Jean Jackson, Sue Lafreniere
To be in touch, please contact us through the office: